Amazon & CBD Campaign:
Championing Consumer Choice & Product Transparency
The Amazon & CBD Campaign, launched by Organic & Natural Health, stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to empowering informed consumer choices. In 2019, Amazon, controlling nearly 40% of US e-commerce and surpassing Google in consumer searches, held an official policy prohibiting the sale of hemp products containing CBD/cannabinoid. However, a simple search for “CBD” on Amazon, at that time, yielded more than 10,000 matching products.
Organic & Natural Health, dedicated to promoting transparency, put Amazon’s bestseller, New Age Premium Hemp Oil, to the test. Partnering with the independent, third-party lab Alkemist Labs, experienced in cannabinoid testing, the results uncovered that the product contained 7.7 mg of CBD per 30 drops, equivalent to 1%. Our investigation began when reputable supplement companies faced Amazon’s denial to sell quality CBD/cannabinoid or full-spectrum hemp oil on the retailer’s site. We exposed that Amazon, despite banning CBD supplement sales, allowed advertising and tagging of CBD, inviting a flood of products that the FDA had previously cautioned against. With no requirement for GMPs on Amazon, at that time, customers risked consuming adulterated products.
Organic & Natural Health’s dedication to public awareness with a publicity campaign resulting in nearly 20 million media impressions including investigations by major media outlets that followed led to industry recognition for our efforts being awarded the 2022 Person of the Year by WholeFoods Magazine for challenging hemp and CBD claims with rigorous testing. While our efforts are ongoing on various fronts with Amazon, Organic & Natural Health firmly believes that uniting the natural products industry is key to finding solutions with major online retailers that serve everyone’s interests.